Tag: SAP Business One HANA

SAP Business One SQL Prompt Variables /* SELECT FROM [dbo].[OSLP] T1 */ declare @slpName as varchar(155) /*WHERE*/ set @SlpName = /* T1.SlpName */ ‘[%0]’ /* SELECT FROM [dbo].[OCRD] T2 */ declare @CardCode as varchar(15) /* WHERE */ set @CardCode = /* T2.CardCode */ ‘[%1]’  …

An SAP Business One Stock Report with All Items The following stock report will display all Items with or without quantities in Stock.   select t0.ItemCode, t1.ItemName, isnull(t3.OnHandQty,0) as ‘In Stock’, t2.BinCode, t2.SL1Code, t2.SL2Code from OITW T0 inner join OITM t1 on t0.ItemCode = t1.ItemCode…

This is a short and to the point Crystal Reports post to assist anyone trying to count the number of Groups in a report. If you are using Crystal Reports you will know that the Summary does not work on Groups. We hope you find…

SAP Business One on Hana leaves every other Small to Medium business software behind with it’s instant in-memory computing! So what does it mean for you? SAP Business One on Hana Speed, accessibility and reporting within seconds for your business; Locally or Globally! Reports that…

SAP’s announces that HANA powered versions of its ERP Business Suite range has gone on general sale. The new version (Version 9) of Business One, which runs on Microsoft SQL and was announced yesterday at the Sapphire NOW conference in Florida, can be deployed on…