SAP Business One Reports – Stock Report All Items

An SAP Business One Stock Report with All Items

The following stock report will display all Items with or without quantities in Stock.


select t0.ItemCode, t1.ItemName, isnull(t3.OnHandQty,0) as ‘In Stock’, t2.BinCode, t2.SL1Code, t2.SL2Code from OITW T0

inner join OITM t1 on t0.ItemCode = t1.ItemCode

inner join OBIN t2 on t2.AbsEntry = T0.DftBinAbs

left outer join OIBQ t3 on t0.ItemCode=t3.ItemCode and t0.WhsCode = t3.WhsCode

where t2.BinCode between [%0] and [%1]

order by t2.SL1Code, t2.SL2Code, t0.ItemCode