Small Business Software Packages

A small business will require a software package that enables them to run the business effectively, cut costs, analyse their sales and run their financial reports. It is essential for small business owners to have visibility of their turnover and sales within seconds to help them plan, forecast and prepare for the coming months and years. A reduction in paper processing will aid every business to operate more smoothly too.

What is the benefit of business software packages for small businesses?

Business software will help the business reduce costs, improve productivity and assist staff to perform their roles more easily.

Should your small business software be on your premises or web based?

A lot of businesses are moving towards web based solutions to reduce the overhead of owning business software. The software is hosted externally allowing you instant access from anywhere in the World. A monthly cost is associated with hosted software but small businesses can budget for this in their cash flow and can be more suitable than purchasing a server (+ any other hardware) upfront. Drawbacks to a hosted business software solution is that you will have to have a suitable internet connection whereas with an onsite/ on premises software solution you just need to be connected to your business server.

Small Business Software Packages

 What do most small businesses require from software packages?

All businesses require some sort of accounting software package. Most software used by business Start Ups are a spreadsheet based solution, such as Microsoft Excel, to track transactions and build their financial reports. When the business starts to grow the business looks to a specific accounting solution to assist with monthly, quarterly and yearly reporting. Accounting information systems come in many different flavours. You will need to decide whether it is just the accounting software you require or a full business system which will benefit your business all the way through from Purchasing to Sales.

Scalable business packages for the growing small business

Scalable? What is that? Simply put a scalable software package will allow your business to grow and the system will grow with you. Software solutions for SME’s are geared toward growing with the business either in a modular or reduced functionality which can be expanded upon or ‘switched on’ as and when required.

A small business software package that will grow and provide your business with everything it will need is SAP Business One. Business 1 was built to encapsulate all of the core business processes that a small business works towards with an integrated accounting package within. When a Stock transaction is added to the system all of the accounting is done for you via rules set up in the core of the system. Financial reporting is made easy because everything is automatic in the background. This enables the business to operate fully whilst knowing that everything is being recorded as necessary in the background.

Software packages for small businesses costs are dependent on which solution you choose and will depend on if the software is hosted or on your premises.

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