Search Engine Optimisation

seo companiesSearch Engine Optimisation

What is search engine optimisation?

Search engine optimisation is the term given to increasing a web sites position in the results of search engine results. For instance, when you type “Bedford Search Engine Optimisation” into Google, Bing or another search engine a list of web sites will be shown. If 1dash1’s website was ranked at number 10 on the page 1 of Google anyone looking for search engine optimisation services in Bedford would have to view 9 other sites before seeing 1dash1’s result.

Google Page 1?

To increase the ranking and result number in Google then the 1dash1 website would require search engine optimisation, whether it be improvements within the web site code, an increase in other websites that link to or an improvement in the written content. There are many other factors that improve the ranking in the search engine results which include how easy it is to read the website as a user and if the website is focused on it’s target content.

If you have a website that is about cats but is low in any searches on cats then improvements must be made!

It is reported that 65% of potential visitors will stop on Page 1 of search engine results and will not venture on to page 2! Your site needs to be on page 1.

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Search Engine Optimisation Services

1dash1 can and will propel your website up the search engine rankings by proven search engine optimisation techniques. If you require Search Engine Optimisation then contact us now with your questions, requirements and we will discuss the options with you.

1dash1 provides excellent search engine optimisation services.

Contact 1dash1 for a free consultation and quotation.

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