SAP Business One V9.1 New Features

SAP Business One V9.1 New Features

The release of SAP Business One V9.1 is THE best version of SAP Business One so far. The new features push the abilities past most – if not all – other Business & Accounting systems! It is an exciting time for existing SAP Business One users and Companies that are looking for a full Business System.


  • Copy & Paste from/ to Excel
  • ‘Zoom’ into the tables in documents e.g. rows to make it easier to view and add Data to the rows
  • Extended Production Functionality
  • Resource Management for Production
  • The ability to ‘switch off’ functionality in the system if not used
  • Extended User authorisations including the ability to ‘group’ users together in an authorisation group to improve efficiency
  • A whole host of other new/extended functionality!!

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