Category: Cost Reduction Strategies

We’ve been working with a firm in London this week reducing their running costs by way of improving their processes and an interesting topic came to light during our diligence. A Bad Business Approach The director of the ‘shall stay unnamed’ company (we’re confidential!) had reduced…

A Bedfordshire newspaper recently reported that Bedford Borough Council has embarked on a cost cutting scheme. The scheme’s target is to reduce £36 million from it’s budget. All well and good you say. That will mean a reduction in Domestic and Non-domestic rates, surely? What…

Improving efficiency is key to any business especially in tough financial times. Good business managers recognise this; Great business managers address efficiency and make it happen! Efficiency, productivity and the competition are linked. Improved productivity equals increased efficiency which results in a higher level of…

Cutting costs in business should be at the top of every business owners list… along with everything else! Business Cost Management Cutting costs in your business is a task that always needs attention. Your business will have built up hundreds, if not thousands of pounds…