Business Process Consulting Services

Business Process Consulting Services

Your business has processes and no doubt you know that some (or maybe all) could be improved. Improvements to a business process will streamline your business, making it lean. If your business processes are efficient and effective the end result is a more economically running business which, in turn, means more profit and a better bottom line. The solution is 1 Dash 1’s Business Process Consulting Services. 

Successful business owners use successful business consultants

Not all business processes are large and complicated but may offer huge savings over time. Even something that appears to be extremely minor may be overlooked but could offer savings. We have provided a very simplistic example of our work below.

Business Process real world Example:
The company was a glass manufacturer that manufactures glass units. The manufacturing process had 3 people working in a systematic fashion with Person A cleaning/ preparing the glass, Person B moving the glass from point a to point b whilst checking it for faults and then placed it on to a surface ready for Person C to mount the glass into a frame. Person C then fixes the glass into the frame. The process took 10 minutes in total from start to finish.
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Business Analysis

Analysis of the process revealed that by reducing the distance between point a to point b by 20 feet will save 1 minute from the process. If Person A and B work side by side a further 2 minutes can be saved from the process reducing the over all time by 3 minutes. That is a 30% saving on time and increases productivity by 30%!

Although a very simplified example this is one of the process improvements we have made for a client. The process was always overlooked during cost saving initiatives due to it’s simplicity. Of course the business owner was overjoyed because not only was productivity increased (meaning more profit as the glass units left the factory sooner) it reduced overtime for the employees which improved profits even more.

The next step for the company is to purchase a machine to automate the process and increase productivity further – without reducing the staff as they can be retrained to ‘assist’ the machine.

When our Business Process consulting services are applied to larger, more complex processes, larger savings are made with 10’s of thousands of pounds returned into the bottom line.

Our Business Process Consulting Services can be applied to any industry, any company and any process. An example of industries we have worked with are listed below.

  • Drinks manufacturers
  • Construction companies
  • Toy distributors
  • Food manufacturers
  • Engineering companies
  • IT companies
  • Scientific instrument manufacturers
  • Charities/ Not for profit organisations
  • Retailers
  • Financial institutions
  • Insurance companies

The question is not do you have processes that can be improved but how many!

List of Business Processes

  • Manufacturing
  • Picking & Packing
  • Sales/ CRM
  • Purchasing/ Procurement
  • Accounting
  • Delivery
  • Data collection
  • Reporting
  • Asset Management

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