Basic SQL Queries For SAP Business One

Here are a few basic SQL queries to be used in SAP Business One. You can copy and paste the queries into the Query window of Business One. Simply copy between from “–begin…” to “…–end” and paste into your Query window.

SQL for Open Sales Orders

select t0.docnum, t0.cardcode, t0.cardname, t0.sysdoctotal
from ordr t0
where t0.docstatus = ‘O’

By Date

select t0.docnum, t0.cardcode, t0.cardname, t0.sysdoctotal
from ordr t0
where t0,docstatus = ‘O’
and t0.docdate between [%0] and [%1]
order by t0.docdate

SQL for Open Deliveries

select t0.docnum, t0.cardcode, t0.cardname, t0.sysdoctotal
from odln t0
where t0.docstatus = ‘O’

SQL for Open Invoices

select t0.docnum, t0.cardcode, t0.cardname, t0.sysdoctotal
from oinv t0
where t0.docstatus = ‘O’

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